Sunday, February 22, 2009

I was startled awake by a continuous ringing in my I thought my hangover had generated, only to be surprised that the fire alarm was sounding. “Shit,” I mumbled under my breath. I rolled over and tried to ignore the blaring noise. With no luck, I grabbed the nearest sweater I could find and trudged down the stairs, bumping into Sidda on my way out. She turned back with a sneer and nudged me. She never did care for me much. I could hear the sirens of the fire truck in the distance, hurrying to save the building they thought was in flames. Just my luck though, no smoke was billowing out. A false alarm. I had hoped this dump would be burned to a crisp. It certainly deserved to be. I reached into my right pocket to fetch a cigarette, only to find nothing but lent. I began to make my way over to the pub. Hopefully there’d be some drunk left over from the night before who would let me bum one. I hadn’t had a drink in nearly 8 hours…I was desperate for a taste of anything with liquor. Anything to make me forget the events of the morning. My mother used to take me down to the diner on the corner when I was little. She’d bundle up my cousin Margaux and me and lead us to sit alone in a booth with a cup of lukewarm hot chocolate. Margaux always looked as though she was mortified, but I used to pretend I was drinking coffee in New York City, waiting for my big break as an actress. My mother would walk across the street to the theater, and return hours later with her make up smeared and the smell of vodka streaming from her pores.  


  1. Your character's inner conflict is interesting and engaging, it makes me wonder what she'll end up doing. You have good interaction with other characters, which reveal more about Magdalene's character. But, i'm not quite sure where you're planning on going, whether you're planning on something big happening, or how alcoholism will play a role in the character's development. Both Felix and Magdalene don't seem to fit in with societal norms so they may get along pretty well.

  2. This is rushed, but.

    I really like how you've developed a relationship with Margeaux.

    And I really like the irony of your situation. You've lived here your whole life, but you're not at home. You're searching for your past, but you want the building you've grown up in to burn.

    Make sure your confusion is focused and deliberate (as the author). Otherwise, it'll sound cliche.

  3. It's obvious that you're stuck in the past based on all your memories. You have developed your character well from what she remembers, but I think she could move forward with more specific interaction with other characters.
    Both of our blogs are in first person, which I know makes quotes and conversations hard.
    Try to link your blogs together - like each post references something that happened in the previous one.

  4. Very well-written, very good details and imagery. I liked the childhood memory with Margaux. I have to give you props because you seem to be the only character so far who has actually had meaningful interaction with other characters (Margaux). So your blog is one of the most interesting. I also like how you've lived in the town your whole life, whereas most of us have just moved here.

    Your character seems to be very tragic. There is obviously a conflict present, now you need to figure out the manner in which to resolve the conflict. You can make it a tragedy (Magdalene tries to improve her life but fails) or give it a happy ending (she tries to improve her life and succeeds), it's up to you. But you should start thinking about where to go with this character.

    I'm enjoying the family history situation with Margaux, I think you should develop that more and maybe incorporate more characters.
